Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Specific Event and Reaction

The Holocaust was a horrific time in Germany, where Furher Hitler took all Jews of Germany and Poland into custody.  Hitler had his own police force (SS) to round up the Jewish peoples.  Once you were figured out, you were forced to wear a yellow star on all of your clothing.  That wasn't enough for Hitler, he built concentration, or death camps to hold the Jews.  He never built them in Germany, instead they were mainly set up in Poland.  The SS officers had a process of elimination on who to send into the gas chambers or to burn, and for those who would live.  At these concentration camps you would literally be forced to work yourself to death, you got very little food, and if you did something wrong, you would be sentenced to the gas chambers.  A common way they would expose of Jews would be to make them undress then go into the showers, where the SS officers would release cyanide gas.  One other way was that they would burn the bodies in a massive oven.  Can you imagine the smell of burning flesh?

This event was just extremely inhumane and morally wrong.  How could one person believe that he and his people were superior to the Jewish people?  Most importantly, how could anyone let one person get so much power?  Enough power to control millions, and then get rid of millions in such a gruesome way.  I could go on and on about the Holocaust and how horrible it was, and don't even get me started on Hitler, he was just an idiot.  That's why he committed suicide, he couldn't live up to what he did.

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